This post is intented for all that want to follow my journey to Perú through my thoughts in this blog but can't do it because they don't understand basque. I'm gonna do it in english, not spanish, it's time for my basque friends that don't feel confortable reading in basque to start learnign it, it's up to you if you preffer to do it in english. Well and this one goes specially for Beeda, that's my birthday present for you :-)
Well, I arrived to Piura (capital city of the region of the same name in the north of Perú) on 11th July and I was there for two days where I could meet people from the ornganización called CIPCA that was suporting the proyect I was suposed to be involved. Then after a 7 hours journey by car through almost intrasitable ways I arrived to Pacaipampa, my home for the next three months, a small town of about 1000 people in the mountains, declared a extreme poberty zone.
The first days were quite dificult to manage, I didn't know anybody and I wasn't sure about what to do. Hopefuly the people from the town hall was very amicable and I did friends very quickly. Then my work in here was somehow decided (because you can't never be sure about anything here), I'm intended to analyze the organization, internal relations and work of differentes areas of the town council. Then they asked me to develop a program to track all the documents that are created here. Finally I will scape to the landside form time to time so follow the proyects that are going on and encourage the inhabitants to continue working hard.
I knew already that I was coming to a place with lack of many conforts I'm used to and that's were I am, it seems I've travelled 100 yeras in time. But in the other hand the views here are espectacular, the weather is always sunny and is a perfect place to get in touch with another culture from wich I can learn many things. There is available a web page with my pictures on it in case you want to check them, the link is in a post somewhere bellow this one.
Now I'm back in Piura, this time the trip was horrible, I almost puked, now I'm OK but it's been 3-4 days that my stomach is a bit naughty.
That's all for now. I promise that it won't be my last post in english.
5 comentarios:
Beno Andoni azkenean lortu dut aspaldi neure buruari proposaturiko helburua: Blog osoa irakurri. Kostatu zait baina azkenean lortu dut!!! Are gehiago atzo parrandan ibili nintzelako. Badakizu han festak egiten dira zuk hain gustoko duzun musika rayante horrekin baina hemen, Euskal Herrian, uda osoan zehar parranda eta festak daude han edo hemen...
Bestalde azkenean agurtzeko aukerarik ez genuen izan zer egingo zaio... Dena den lortu nuen skype instalatzea beraz noizbait deitu nahi izanez gero arkaitz.larman da nere "telefono zenbakia"
Espero det komentario hau irakurri ahal izatea ze enaiz erregistratu blogerrean eta hainbeste idatzi eta gero putada izango litzateke testu hau guztia galtzea. Amaren komentarioa iritsi zaizula ikusi det. HORI ARRAZOIA!!! EUSKAL HERRIKO NESKAK BEZELAKORIK EZ DITUZU INON ERE TOPATUKO!!!! (Estokolmon akaso baina bueno...)
Benga Andoni, ondo segi eta noiz behinka izango duzu nere berri, hori bai: Ikurriña ikusi nahi dut Peruko herrialde hortako udaletxetik zintzilik!!! Ea lortzen duzun argazkiren bat. Eta ikurriñarik eraman ez baduzu ba badakizu: Brikoeuskalmania egin eta bat fabrikatu...
Oraintxe zuk duzu komentario luzeenaren saria eskuetan, halakoxekoak nahi ditut ba. Hori bai, diozun bezala parrandaz parranda bazabiltzate bidaliko didazue ba argazkitxoren bat ezta?
Ikurrinarenarekin ikusiko dut nola moldatzen naizen ez bainuen ekarri, dena den hemen dituzten arazoekin ez det uste asko axolako zaizkienik gure kontuak.
Iepa iepa iepa!!!!!!!!
Bueno bueno, zu pixkat gehio pozteko, oraintxe bukatu da estropada ta Oriok paliza eman du berriz!! 4. bandera ya! Ah, ta San Pedro 5. e oseake kontxan kontuz!!! Jeje. Ei, ta amaren komentarioa oso ona e, mesedezzzz, peruanei begira zaude ya??? Euskal Herriko neskei begiratu Andoni, eztago konparaziorik!! Eta bueno ejem, e, Hattricken eztakit zer pasa dan baino uste det 1-4 galdu dezula "degula", asike... Realak edukitzen dun egun txar hoietako bat izango zan!!! Jeje, portzierto, gaur jokatzen dula Lagun Onak-en aurka!! Ba ondo-ondo segi, ta aizu, zer da hau, bloga inglesez!!!! Gora euskal neskak eta euskera!!! jejej. Ondo segi!!!
Erik Zubel
Horrelaxe gustatzen zait, aua Orio, aurten Asier bakarrik geratuko da gainontzeko guztien irainak ;-) jasotzen, ez nuke bere lekuan egon nahi.
Aizu, por defekto ya jarri det alineazio HT-en eta ahal denean hori utzi ze ikusten det Organizerrek gauza arraroak egiten ditula.
A ver, ya askok kritikatu nauzue nexken kontuagatik, nik ez dut esan euskaldunak baina hobeak direnik, faltará más! baina politak ba izan badira, gauzak diren bezala. Ta ingelesez idatzi badut euskaraz ez dakitenekiko errespetua pixkat erakustearren da, baina españolez ez duzu ikusiko, are gehiago hemen (acá) horrela mintzatu behar naizenean.
Por cierto Unai, tropelan kaxkar geratu naiz baina nire beste taldearekin 84. generalean (2 etapatan 2.) asi que ez uste zuk irabazi duzunik :-)
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